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Bhikkhunis and Buddhist World Issues in Contemporary Society

ISBN: 9789742602932

ผู้แต่ง : Amarjiva Lochan

ผู้แปล : -

สำนักพิมพ์ : ศูนย์ไทยธิเบต

ปีที่พิมพ์ : 2560

จำนวนหน้า : 288

ราคาพิเศษ ฿270.00 ราคาปรกติ ฿300.00

With the turn of the new millennium,

Theravada Bhikkhunis are coming forward.

This book reports the emergence of

Theravada bhikkhunis from different part in Asia.

They are now taking responsibility to uphold Buddhism,

the heritage given to them by the Buddha.

With the turn of the new millennium,

Theravada Bhikkhunis are coming forward.

This book reports the emergence of

Theravada bhikkhunis from different part in Asia.

They are now taking responsibility to uphold Buddhism,

the heritage given to them by the Buddha.

คุณกำลังรีวิว:Bhikkhunis and Buddhist World Issues in Contemporary Society